Genuine VC: 

David Beisel’s Perspective on Digital Change

My First Podcast

A week or so ago, I was invited by Mark Withington to participate in a podcast discussion about evolving web 2.0 business models. Also joining the conversation were local thought-leaders Pito Silas and Brian Del Vecchio. As Mark notes, the conversation winds “its way through [topics like] risk-sharing, abundance of software, loosely coupled transactions and even broaches the possibility of incentive pricing as a means of monetizing development.”
I’ve expressed skepticism in the past about the adoption of consuming podcasts because of their temporal nature. So this month’s Forrester report highlighting low adoption wasn’t a complete surprise to me. But participating in the content creation of one was both engaging and enjoyable. Whether anyone will actually listen is another story…
If you are interested in checking the podcast out, you can read more about it on Mark’s page
or directly download the MP3 here.
podcast particpants - pito silas, brian del vechhio, david beisel, and mark withington.jpg

David Beisel
April 27, 2006 · < 1  min.

A week or so ago, I was invited by Mark Withington to participate in a podcast discussion about evolving web 2.0 business models. Also joining the conversation were local thought-leaders Pito Silas and Brian Del Vecchio. As Mark notes, the conversation winds “its way through [topics like] risk-sharing, abundance of software, loosely coupled transactions and even broaches the possibility of incentive pricing as a means of monetizing development.”

I’ve expressed skepticism in the past about the adoption of consuming podcasts because of their temporal nature. So this month’s Forrester report highlighting low adoption wasn’t a complete surprise to me. But participating in the content creation of one was both engaging and enjoyable. Whether anyone will actually listen is another story…

If you are interested in checking the podcast out, you can read more about it on Mark’s page
or directly download the MP3 here.

podcast particpants - pito silas, brian del vechhio, david beisel, and mark withington.jpg

David Beisel
I am a cofounder and Partner at NextView Ventures, a seed-stage venture capital firm championing founders who redesign the Everyday Economy.