Genuine VC
David Beisel’s Perspective on Digital Change
David Beisel’s Perspective on Digital Change
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The CEO of Indeed, Paul Forster, addressed a number of topics on yesterday’s Syndicate panel entitled “New Pathways to Profits: Exploring Business Models.” I caught up with him after the session to chat about the very insightful distinction he made […]

As I posted last week, I am here at the Syndicate Conference in New York City. The opening speaker Bob Carrigan, CEO of Computerworld, identified two major trends that are emerging in online media: “More Choice” and “Online Voice.” Coincidentally, […]

Jeff Bussgang reported from the annual VC Conference, “The enterprise software business model is dead… VC appetite for standard enterprise software appears to be dwindling to nothing.” And Jeff Nolan simply replies, “agreed.” But even though enterprise software is dead, […]

While many hypothesized on why Google acquired Dodgeball last week (for example, Gary Price and Russell Glass), I think one of the most interesting posts came from Marc Canter. He wrote a semi-satirical semi-serious post describing the new way for […]

John Battelle’s blog identified Fathom’s recent announcement that search engine keyword prices increased 11% during the month in April. Despite a slight drop during the first two months of the year, it appears that the trend towards rising keyword prices […]

My original post reacting to Jeff Bussgang’s thoughts on why Boston doesn’t have any great consumer hits argued that it is primarily due to culture. The West Coast general psyche is more comfortable with taking big risks for big rewards, […]

Paul Kedrosky is saying, “This IDG Syndicate Conference in New York May 17/18 is turning into a real coming out party for RSS.” I, for one, am looking forward to attending the event next week. The speaker list definitely includes […]

I usually don’t merely provide a link to another site without some commentary or opinion, but I really like Tim Yang’s post, “15 things you can do with RSS (it was supposed to be 10, but I got carried away).” […]

People often mistakenly derive extraneous meaning out of the fact that two things are merely correlated. They will say, “A increases as B increases; if we change A, then that will affect B.” It’s actually more than a pet peeve, […]