Genuine VC
David Beisel’s Perspective on Digital Change
David Beisel’s Perspective on Digital Change
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RSS isn’t just for blogs. In fact, RSS is for so much more than blogs. Really Simple Syndication is a protocol that can and will be used for delivering any type of incremental content. On the consumer end of things, […]

In a great post by Jeff Bussgang, he laments the fact that there are so few VC-backed consumer hits coming out of the Boston area. As a Boston-area VC with a consumer/media background myself, I’ve thought a lot about this […]

“New media” has been around for the past ten years or so, and interactive media ad spending has exploded since its inception. Advertisers have found and are continuing to find this digital medium as an extremely effective way to reach […]

Last week, I blogged that the “question and answer” search paradigm wasn’t dead at all. Earlier this afternoon, Google responded by launching its Google Q&A feature. Now users can type a one-line question into the search box, and if a […]

I’ve been rambling on in the past two days about Yahoo vs. Google. What does this have to do with startups and venture capital? Everything. These two companies, along with IAC and MSN, are likely acquirers of the new breed […]

Following up on yesterday’s post, an article in AdAge yesterday points out another reason why the Yahoo vs. Google war is soon going to tip the scale away from the media-anointed king, Google. Yahoo has the wind against it back […]

There has been a lot of discussion in the past week about “How Yahoo Got Its Mojo Back,” as Om Malik puts it. Some go even as far to say that “Yahoo is the new Google. Google is the new […]

There’s been a lot of discussion in the Blogosphere talking up social tagging / social bookmarking / folksonomies. I’m deeply interested in this conversation, as I think that user-generated information organization (as opposed to author-generated or thirdparty-generated information organization) has […]

The acquisition of Ask Jeeves by Barry Diller’s InterActiveCorp (IAC) two weeks ago got me thinking about the question and answer model that the company originally tried to use to differentiated itself. That approach really never took off, and the […]