Genuine VC
David Beisel’s Perspective on Digital Change
David Beisel’s Perspective on Digital Change
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Om Malik wonders “why did Fox buy Strategic Data” saying that “It is becoming obvious 2007 is the ‘show me the money’ year for MySpace and other FIM acquisitions.” At face value, this deal is a notable move of taking […]

Yesterday I came across yet another (read: tired subject matter) article about the perils of living in an “always on” culture with the advent of portable devices like BlackBerrys and Treos. While I fall into the camp of viewing the […]

A year ago I posted about when I meet with entrepreneurs for the first time that I like to ask about the founding story, the plot of how the idea for the company was generated and how the principals in […]

Last Saturday I had the privilege of participating on a panel at the Harvard Business School Venture Capital and Private Equity Conference entitled “What’s Next: What will be the next hot sectors for venture investment?” All of the panelists were […]

Because my Pittsburgh Steelers’ mediocre season didn’t propel them into this year’s Super Bowl, this weekend I will be paying more attention to the media experience as a whole rather than the game itself. The premier media event of the […]

This morning I was reading this week’s issue of Chris Shipley’s Guidewire report which addressed a popular topic du jour, asking whether or not we’re in a bubble for web-based businesses. The paper argues that “compared to the Dot Com […]

When there’s an article on something in the New York Times, as there was last week on widgets – you know the concept has gone mainstream. I’ve been spending a lot of time recently reading blogs about, thinking about, and […]

One type of company largely uncovered in the web 2.0 blogosphere is the emergence of vertical marketplaces – or at least the framing of them that way. Of course, eBay has traditionally been the ultimate marketplace brining buyers and sellers […]

I’ve enjoyed reading all of the blog discussion in the past few days in response to Rich Skrenta’s Monday “Winner-Take-All” post. He deemed Google the winner in this “third age of computing” (2001-) having succeeded the prior two of Microsoft […]