Genuine VC
David Beisel’s Perspective on Digital Change
David Beisel’s Perspective on Digital Change
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I couldn’t help but laugh when I read Paul Kedrosky’s post Tribble Trouble last week, where he laments that the number of people who show up at an entrepreneur’s first meeting at a VC’s offices can multiply, “And then … […]

Perhaps not enough for a full-blown post, the following are three questions I’ve been mulling on recently: Connectivity over content – or being content? I haven’t been able to shake the theme from the (long and somewhat dated academic) article […]

I’ve expressed my skepticism about the adoption of podcasting in the past, in addition to questioning what the term really means (and will mean in the future). So while I don’t put a lot of weight in the figures cited […]

Brad Feld called Josh Kopelman’s recent blog entry, 53,651, “a perfect post.” I completely agree with Josh’s fundamental premise – that there is a strong disconnect between new Web 2.0 companies claiming traction with plugged-in Silicon Valley geeks and real […]

One thing that I’ve been noticing recently is the distinction between the venue for the discovery of media content and the consumption of it. It’s notable to explore, as media distribution dramatically changes, not only is the consumption of content […]

This past week’s rumors about Microsoft’s impending acquisition of Massive aren’t just a validation of the potential of in-game advertising, but I also view them as supporting the notion of what I previously called “new new media” in a post […]

If we take it as a given that we are in the midst of a monumental shift of advertising dollars flowing from traditional venues towards online (cite your favorite report here; I’ll use last week’s IAB/PwC’s as an example), then […]

A week or so ago, I was invited by Mark Withington to participate in a podcast discussion about evolving web 2.0 business models. Also joining the conversation were local thought-leaders Pito Silas and Brian Del Vecchio. As Mark notes, the […]

While it wasn’t truly news, I found the release for the Ipsos Insight report, Mobile Phones Could Soon Rival the PC As World’s Dominant Internet Platform, to have some telling facts. Subtitled “Mobile Phones Poised To Overtake The PC As […]