Genuine VC
David Beisel’s Perspective on Digital Change
David Beisel’s Perspective on Digital Change
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I’ve been thinking about web traffic lately. And yes, I know that the traffic graphs of MySpace and TheFaceBook have been circled around the blogosphere a million times, but I am going to repeat them anyway: Two years of data. […]

I buy a lot of music. That’s right, I buy a lot of music. Recently, however, I’ve become frustrated with the increasing limitations placed on the music which I’ve legally purchased that includes restrictions from Digital Rights Management software incorporated […]

In the summer I wrote a quick entry entitled, The Mobile Phone: “Social Computer”, in which I said, “Until now my mobile telephone has been a two-way radio capable of playing a few mildly-amusing games and taking a few crude […]

I love numbers. When someone or a company has a rich set of data that’s meaningful, I like to really dive in. And so I am sometimes disappointed when the only figures that are presented are “averages.” Usually that translates […]

Last night’s Boston Web Innovators meeting turned out to be a success. We had quite a turnout, and a good mix of people. First-time and serial entrepreneurs, VCs, long-time bloggers, techies, MIT PhD computer science students, and many others all […]

In response to Dion Hinchcliffe’s list of issues and problems facing Web 2.0 today, Paul Montgomery comments, “How about Thinking The Whole World Is Like Silicon Valley? … Web 2.0 is still a very small, insular movement. There should be […]

In my last post, I wrote about advertorial content: content which is both advertising and editorial simultaneously. With many successful analogies in the real world and in the online world to use as a guide, current web innovators have a […]

In the past (here and here), I’ve written about advertorial content: content which is both advertising and editorial simultaneously. In these cases, the content is the advertising, yet it still delivers value to the end-user. There is something magical about […]

I love when I have an opportunity to visit entrepreneurs in their offices. After an initial pitch, and as we are getting to know a company, we nearly always visit the startup at their own site. To me, startup offices […]