Genuine VC
David Beisel’s Perspective on Digital Change
David Beisel’s Perspective on Digital Change
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I spent all of yesterday (and continue today and tomorrow) at the Web2.0 Conference in San Francisco. Obviously, there are many covering the event (Om Malik lists his ten “exciting side notes” and Jeff Jarvis reviews his thoughts from the […]

I thought that the quote at the end of this announcement article yesterday by Motorola was spot on. “It’s incredibly valuable real estate on the home screen of the [mobile] phone.” Motorola was talking about its plan to release new […]

I spent most of today at Technology Review’s Emerging Technologies Conference at MIT here in Cambridge. There were many engaging sessions, from Nicholas Negroponte (Chairman of the MIT Media Lab) talking about his quest for distributing a hundred-dollar laptop to […]

Thanks largely to the exposure of Fred Wilson’s kind words, my recent post on the Seven Founding Sins – common mistakes which often divert entrepreneurs off the path towards success – received a number of comments and feedback throughout the […]

From far and wide to just around the corner, it looks like many people are converging on San Francisco next week for the Web 2.0 Conference. I am excited to make the trek out to attend as well. It should […]

One of my first posts ever on this blog championed EVDB, a search engine for local events and venues. In it, I wrote, “I am looking forward to the day when I can set up an RSS feed of my […]

It seems to me that usage of the word “viral” has gotten a little out of hand recently. A term that was coined during the 90s boom which then fell out of fashion with everything else, it appears to have […]

Ever since I learned about YubNub from Nivi’s post two months ago, my head has been spinning about the potential power of this tool. If you’re not familiar, YubNub is a “command line for the web.” Further described, “YubNub is […]

A few weeks ago, I finally had a chance to read Kusek and Loenhard’s book The Future of Music: Manifesto for the Digital Music Revolution. Given my interest in technology, digital media, and music, a number of people had recommended […]