Genuine VC
David Beisel’s Perspective on Digital Change
David Beisel’s Perspective on Digital Change
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There are a myriad ways that people can contact and send me messages these days. My work e-mail address, my blog e-mail address, one of my many personal e-mail addresses, my mobile phone, SMS on my mobile, my work phone, […]

In my recent post Seven Founding Sins, I outlined a number of potential mistakes that founders commit that can limit the success of their endeavor. However, I thought that I would balance that post with a positive one. Despite the […]

With today’s buzz surround the rumor of eBay’s potential acquisition of Skype, I was struck by what the larger implications of this move would be. One of my readers, Zbigniew Lukasiak, recently brought to my attention an article which I […]

Over the past couple years, I have been involved with and close to a number of both successful and unsuccessful startups. To me, the most exciting (and most perilous) times in a company’s life-cycle are the early first stages when […]

Thinking about the meaning of “beta” after yesterday’s entry concerning the term’s potential overuse, I wish the term could be alternatively applied in one certain situation – on my blog posts. More generally, what if there was a way to […]

One of the great benefits of Web2.0 consumer internet services is that the product cycles have diminished. No longer are the next versions available and shipped every eighteen months like traditional shrink-wrapped software. Instead, when a new feature is ready, […]

Like Jeff Nolan and Russell Glass have recently expressed, I am struggling with the excitement surrounding podcasting. Yes, I understand that it is an extension of user-generated content into another media type and that it rides the wave of digitized […]

I’ve recently just begun to spend a little bit of time thinking about marketing and advertising on mobile phones. With my background in online/e-mail direct marketing, I can easily see the potential power of direct marketing opportunities that the mobile […]

Coincidentally (or maybe not so) in the past week, I’ve been in a few conversations about more and more apps coming to a browser near you enabled by Ajax – namely an alternative to the Microsoft Office suite. Paolo Massa […]