Genuine VC
David Beisel’s Perspective on Digital Change
David Beisel’s Perspective on Digital Change
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The bulk of written guidance for VC fundraising meetings is centered on the very first meeting: how to get it, how to prepare a pitch deck, how to run the meeting, etc. But then the tactical advice stops. What about the rest of […]

The complexity of go-to-market packaging has become a significant pain-point for many B2B SaaS companies. As digital products continue to evolve, they require more sophisticated solutions for presenting features, managing plans, and enabling entitlements. Recognizing this critical need, NextView Ventures […]

Each venture capital firm has different practices on how they make new investment decisions. The number of investors in the firm, its style and approach, and the specific criteria for new investments yield a wide array of processes. My partner […]

Since ChatGPT’s launch less than two years ago, the way we as consumers seek information has quickly and dramatically changed. Large Language Models have shifted the paradigm from keyword searching then following links to directly asking questions about what we […]

It’s extremely rare that a startup begins with just one person. Less than 5% of all NextView portfolio companies began with a sole co-founder, as opposed to a founding team. And while there is something special about the initial group […]

It is the one message-space on your phone that you always pay attention to: SMS text messages. Not just “messaging” broadly, as there are numerous apps where people send and receive communications & messages. Couple that noise with the flurry […]

In the past few weeks there have been numerous product announcements in the voice computing space from big players like Amazon and Google. It appears as though a key part of the strategy for these platform companies is to foster a rich […]

For me, the most exciting time to become involved in a startup is the very earliest of stages, when there is a vision and promise of what could be. Pre-product-market fit. Pre-product, even. That’s exactly when I met Zach Sherman […]

TL;DR: After a dozen years, Boston Innovators Group as we know it is sunsetting, but I will be regularly creating new, focused events to contribute to the ecosystem. The first event focused on voice computing will be held on June […]